In this episode I speak with Scarlett Lewis about her personal experience of losing her son in the Sandy Hook tragedy in America and how it provided her with her life's mission to create a nonprofit organization to help children (and adults) become resilient, empowered, and develop meaningful relationships. Scarlett describes why she created The Choose Love Movement and how it will benefit all.
Things we talk about in this episode
Links mentioned in this episode
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The music for this podcast is -Hermosa Dia by Ray Johnson
Scarlett Lewis founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement after her son was murdered in the Sandy Hook tragedy in December 2012. After his death, Scarlett became part of the solution to the issues in today’s society. Through Choose Love, Scarlett became an advocate for social and emotional learning (SEL) and character development that teaches children how to manage their emotions, feel connected, and have healthy relationships. Choose Love offers a no cost, comprehensive SEL program
that empowers educators and teaches children how to handle adversity, have courageous conversations, and respond with love. The program has been downloaded in all 50 states and 100 countries, serving nearly 2 million children.
To help children and adults deal with the stress and challenges of the Coronavirus, Choose Love created a variety of new, free resources; and specifically, to support students and educators as they navigate the new normal of hybrid learning, Choose Love created Choosing Love in Our Brave New World, a back-to-school reintegration unit for Pre school through to the HighSchool and beyond.