Connection Matters Podcast

Spirit Communication, Death, Life and what comes after with Martha Hunt Handler

Episode Summary

In this episode with Author and Environmental Campaigner Martha Hunt Handler we delve very deeply into our personal beliefs about life after death, cultural belief systems, shamanism and the importance of language. We also discuss how Martha's new book Winter of the Wolf has created an opportunity to have a bigger conversation for families and teens dealing with the complex issues of grief, mental health and even death as well as animal conservation practices that protect nature. She's the president of the board for the Wolf Conservation Centre and author of the novel Winter of the Wolf.

Episode Notes

Books Mentioned in this episode

The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker

Signs by Laura Lynne Jackson

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Links mentioned in this episode


I see magic at work everywhere around me. I don’t believe in coincidences, only co-incidents: things that you hear, see or feel that help remind your soul of its path. I appreciate the phrase, “Grow or Wilt.” I think that’s what we’re all here for – to continually expand our hearts and minds as we navigate our way through the plethora of experiences we are presented with for this purpose.

Raised in Northern Illinois, I began to see wolves in my dreams from a very early age. Always a nature girl, I spent my free time either swimming in a lake near my house or roaming around in the Enchanted Forrest near my home. It was here I first heard nature speaking to me; asking for my help while promising guidance in this endeavor. After earning a degree in environmental conservation at UC Boulder, I worked as an environmental consultant in D.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles.    



With my adult children now grown and flown, I’m able to focus on pursing those passions that most pull my heartstrings: wolves and writing. I spend weekdays in Tribeca, New York and weekends near the wolves in South Salem, New York.  My first novel, “Winter of the Wolf,” will be published by Greenleaf in July, 2020.