Connection Matters Podcast

Orgasmic Embodiment - personal power, pleasure and healing connection with jem Ayres

Episode Summary

In this episode with Jem Ayres we explore the inherent human need for physical touch. We explore our relationship to pleasure and the amazing life benefits that come from having a really authentic and connected relationship to our bodies and our life force energy. Jem is a Orgasmic embodiment coach otherwise known as Sex Coach with experience in tantra, sexological bodywork, movement practice, breath-work and healing herself from stage 4 cancer

Episode Notes

Things we talk about in this episode

Links mentioned in this episode

Podcast Patreon -


Jems website link:


Jems facebook link:


Jems You Tube channel:


Our website is


Connect with us on instagram


My personal instagram is


The music for this podcast is -Hermosa Dia by Ray Johnson



Jem Ayres: Orgasmic Embodiment Coach.


Jem is a certified Sex Geek -  A Sexological Bodyworker, Tantra practitioner and teacher.  She is the Founder of Orgasmic Embodiment, and regularly leads workshops, retreats and hosts talks on conscious sexuality.


She has over 10 years’ experience in the field of self-development through the body.


Jem now preaches what she likes to call ‘Sexual Self-Development’ and those who have met her know she walks the walk.


Overcoming stage 4 cancer became her focus for a while, and through this process she embraced and worked with the healing power of orgasm.


Multi-talented and creative she is passionate about helping people to connect with themselves through the body, fine-tuning into the subtleties of our life force, using sexual energy to fuel all areas of life.