Connection Matters Podcast

Global Social Leaders With Amy Mander

Episode Summary

In this episode, with Amy Mander, we discuss the inspiring mission behind Global Social Leaders an innovative organisation working with young people across the world to create more internationally linked, socially conscious leaders in the world. We discuss the current reality for young people today and bring stories of hope and empowerment despite and maybe because of the challenges we all face in current times.

Episode Notes

Links mentioned in this episode


Future Foundations’ mission is to inspire young people to achieve their full potential and become leaders in their lives and within society. Our vision is a society where all organisations are led by socially conscious people, with every young person making the transition into adulthood with the foundations they need for their future.

Amy is a proactive person motivated by the desire to empower people to be able to develop the capacity and control over the direction of their lives. This lead to her studying for a Masters in Social Anthropology and the impact of different influences on how we construct meaning in our lives. Amy works to build the capacity of young people and communities here in the UK and overseas.