Connection Matters Podcast

Concious Evolution with Manda Scott

Episode Summary

In this episode with Manda Scott, Author, Screen Writer, Shamanic Teacher and Host of the of Accidental Gods Podcast and Programme we discuss Conscious Evolution. Are we really evolving our consciousness? Can we really shift to a new paradigm and save our species? What are the practices and ways of being that we need to support the transformation? Manda has a world of insight and wisdom to share through her experience as a Shamanic practitioner as well as writing, researching, learning and teaching in various vocations. Our rich and meandering conversation left me inspired and hopeful. Here's to the Great Turning. Here's to Conscious Evolution.

Episode Notes

Things we talk about in this episode

Links mentioned in this episode

Manda's  Website -

Manda's Podcast and Programme -

 Deep Adaptation Link- 

Reference to Jotrdan Hall and Jamie Wheal -

Rebel Wisdom- Excellent Podcast - Daniel Schmachtenberger -

Song link- FIA- Shedding skins -

Our website is

Connect with us on instagram

My personal instagram is

The music for this podcast is -Hermosa Dia by Ray Johnson


Born and raised in Scotland - and still a Scot at heart - Manda has been, variously, a veterinary surgeon, veterinary anaesthetist, acupuncturist (people and animals), crime writer, columnist, blogger, economist - and author.  In between, she teaches shamanic dreaming, creative writing and concept-based dog training.

Poem Shared in the Intro

A blessing for Leaders- John O'Donohue

May you have the grace and wisdom

To act kindly, learning

To distinguish between what is

Personal and what is not

May you be hospitable to criticism.

May you never put yourself at the centre of things.

May you act not from arrogance but out of service.

May you work on yourself,

Building and refining the ways of the mind.

May you learn to cultivate the art of presence

In order to engage with those who meet you.

When someone fails or disappoints you,

May the graciousness with which you engage

Be their stairway to renewal and refinement.

May you treasure the gifts of the mind

Through reading and creative thinking

So that you continue as a servant of the frontier

Where the new will draw its enrichment of the old,

And you never become a functionary.

May you know the wisdom of deep listening

The healing of wholesome words,

The encouragement of the appreciative gaze,

The decorum of held dignity,

The springtime edge of the bleak question.

May you have a mind that loves frontiers

So that you can evoke the bright fields

That lie beyond the view of the regular eye.

May you have good friends

To mirror your blind spots.

May leadership be for you

A true adventure of growth.

John O'Donohue